The Tolerance Threshold
While reading the book Fiber Fueled by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, he mentioned the concept of the threshold of the tolerance. For example, if you put a couple of drops of milk on the tongue of an individual who is lactose intolerant it is unlikely they will experience any symptoms. Why, because they did not ingest enough milk to trigger a reaction. Now, I will admit I finished reading that book a couple of weeks ago and it was not until last night that I applied this logic. For at least a month I have had issues with still salivating after having finished a meal as if my body is still hungry. This usually results in me eating anything I can put my hands on, in hopes of the salivating subsiding. However, last night was different. I did not figure out how to stop the salivating but I did stumble across something that may be a little bit more valuable. I was trying chickpeas for the first time in months and I literally ate them by themselves one at a time and counted how many I could eat before it triggered a tingling in my head. I know it sounds insane but it works. Shockingly, I was able to eat 41 chickpeas. So I applied the same methodology to the asparagus and chicken I ate. As soon as I felt a tingling trying to start I would stop eating. I was able to eat 8 asparagus and half a chicken breast. Using this method I had no head tingling after eating which has not been the case in a long time. I tested the method again for breakfast and lunch today and had no symptoms. I will say this is not meant to be a forever thing, just for now until my body gets back to working order and can handle foods normally.
My Advice:
Listen to your body and it will tell you what it needs. Trust me I know that simple advice can be very challenging. I know you're asking but how do I know what my body needs and I’m going to be honest I have not fully figured that out myself. However, what I have been doing is asking myself is my body searching for protein, carbs, fat, sugar, or salt. Whichever I think it is, I will eat a little bit of a food from that category and see how my body reacts. If I eat the food and I get a head tingle immediately I rule that out and try a food from another category. Trial and error is going to be your best friend until you can tell intuitively what your body needs. As always keep pushing forward, don’t give up on yourself, and trust the process. You are closer to obtaining perfect health than you think.