The Month Update

Its has been a month since I went to the gastroenterologist and I can say there have definitely been some changes. In last week’s blog post I discussed the different protein shakes I had tried. I have settled on the Owyn complete nutrition chocolate and Blessed Vanilla Chai. If I had to say which one I prefer I would go with the Owyn because the flavor is better even though I am not a chocolate person. I know you’re wondering if you like the Owyn why are you drinking the Blessed? Well the Blessed does not give me any symptoms but the flavor is not the best. It reminds me of a mix between the Kachava vanilla chai and the Owyn complete nutrition vanilla flavor. I also like the fact that with the Owyn its already made, so it is good for those moments when you just need to grab and go. Before starting the protein shakes I was weighing in at about 98 pounds and I am happy to say that I am up to 110 pounds now which I have been maintaining. I will also say that I tried the Orgain complete vanilla flavor and that also did not give me symptoms but again I was not a fan of the flavor. I will continue to drink the protein shakes and we will see were I weigh in at the end of the month when I go to see my doctor.

Ok now lets get into the Pepcid. I immediately started taking before and after meals and honestly after a week I did not notice a difference. My head tingles were still tingling. I decided to continue taking it because I thought it just need time to full get into my system. Well one day I was trying to get the container off of the shelf and the pills literally flew everywhere. I went to the store to get a replacement and I had been using the normal strength but all Walmart had was the maximum strength. I decided to go with it because I had been to multiple stores to no avail. I took the Pepcid before my dinner and it seemed to work which to me meant the acidity in my stomach need a little more than the normal stuff to get it right. I have been taking the maximum strength for about a week and a half now and I will say my symptoms have not completely gone away but they definitely seem to be getting better. Some days the head tingles are worst than others and foods that were not giving me problems will give me problems but in general I am seeing improvements. 

These improvements lead me to researching acid and alkaline foods to see if I could mimic the effects of the Pepcid by restructuring my diet thereby not having to take a pill every time 30 minutes before I eat. I can’t even explain the amount of times I have sat down to eat, raised the fork to my mouth, and remembered I did not take the Pepcid. So I have to cover the food, go take the Pepcid, and wait 30 mins before I can eat. Urgghh the agony. I have also been researching food combining. Currently, I am using the method discussed on the detoxinista blog ( I have found that it has been helpful but the results have not been consistent for me but I will keep you updated on my journey with food combing.

As always I like to end my blog posts with some encouragement. This has been a year-long journey for me and still feel like I am trying to figure all of this out but I know that I am a lot further along than I was a year ago. Stay the course, be diligent, keep track of everything, and pay attention to patterns. 

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better" - Maya Angelou


Doctor’s Visit