The Gut Feeling
When I first started this journey I did a lot of research and one thing that stood out to me was how much the gut is involved in every aspect of our bodily functions. Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in the gut. The microbes in the gut affect metabolism, digestion, nutrient absorption, hormones, and the body’s immune response. There are approximately 38 to 39 trillion bacteria cells in the body. Some say that we are more bacteria than we are human.
Why is the important?
When you don’t have enough good bacteria in your gut it allows the bad bacteria to cultivate. This causes damage to your gut lining allowing the bacteria to make it into the body aka leaky gut. A leaky gut can cause food sensitivities among other health conditions.
How do I increase the good bacteria in my gut?
Eat more fiber which includes vegetables such as kale, legumes such as black beans, or fruit such as apples. The bacteria in your gut thrive on fiber. When you don’t eat enough fiber you are essentially starving the good bacteria in your body. Have you ever heard the saying “eat the rainbow”. I have dozens of times but no one ever explains why you should eat the rainbow. It’s because of your gut and each bacteria likes different foods. Be sure to eat a diverse range of fiber to keep those bacteria happy and thriving.
I’ll be diving more into this topic in the coming weeks but I totally believe the genesis of my health condition is related to the gut.